Saturday, July 9, 2011

09 July 2011 - Day 48

Yay! I'm offiially in the two-digit range! I'm down 10 pounds - not bad for a month and a half. I checked and I'm seemingly out of ketosis.

AM Metabosol

6oz hamburger (0g, 350cal)
2oz gorgonzola (0.8g, 200cal)
4 cloves garlic (3.6g, 16cal)

16oz Bojenmi tea (0g, 0cal)
tea with half and half (2g, 40cal)

4oz hamburger (0g, 250cal)
1oz gorgonzola (0.4g, 100cal)
2 tbsp peanut butter (4g, 200cal)
1L flavored water (0g, 0cal)

1 egg (.61, 84cal)
1/4c almond flour (1g, 145cal)
2 tbsp peanut butter (4g, 200cal)
tea with half and half (2g, 40cal)

tea with half and half (2g, 40cal)
1 tbsp peanut butter (2g, 100cal)

a little heavy on nuts
21.4g carb
1765 cal

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